my little journey in this vast universe.

Agoda Job Interview: I got rejected

As expected, after brief 10 minutes interview. They ask me to wait for a few days for them to discuss about me. and i have a feeling that I may not make it through. And finally they e-mailed me with a letter to reject my application. But overall I think I’ve make a good start and have a good feeling in the next job interview. And I already sent a ton of job application across the data industry!…
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Agoda Job Intervew: They ask for reschedule!

Today I’ll have a data analyst job interview at agoda, at first I pick a 11.45-12.00 am. time slot and wait for the time to come. But at 11.30 I got an e-mail to cancel today’s interview and ask me if I can pick a new time slot for them. The new date is 28 june 2022 and 16.00 pm. bkk. time. I look at this as an opportunity though because I will have more time to practice all of the tool they told in the job description and research more about finance and payment.…
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Agoda Job Interview: preparing

I will have my first tech-company job interview tomorrow. The role I applied is financed data analyst. Sure enough I pretty comfortable about analyst part but in a finance part is another story. I done a quick Excel and SQL exercise to refresh my memory and re-read job description a dozen of time to wrap up my mind around it. After 2 year of “boring but chill” job, I finally took a step forward to a tech path.…
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My First Post

Hi this is my first post! don’t panic. this is just a test.…
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